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Inclusive Environment

Imagine a city where everyone feels welcomed, involved, and united by a common vision. As a candidate for the city council, I am dedicated to creating an inclusive environment where each resident's voice is heard and valued. Together, we can efficiently address concerns and find practical solutions that benefit us all.

Effective communication is paramount to me, and I pledge to enhance transparency in our city's governance. By providing valuable insights and updates on key topics and developments, we can empower each resident to play an active role in shaping the future of our beloved city.

Awareness is key to fostering a thriving community, and I will work tirelessly to keep you informed about everything happening around the city. With your support, we can build a city that stands as a shining example of unity, progress, and collective empowerment. Let's come together to build a better tomorrow for us and future generations. 


Let's build a thriving city together! A top priority should be to collaborate with developers to create a vibrant community that caters to our needs. By carefully integrating retail and services that align with our city's values, we can ensure a thriving local economy that meets the demands of our residents.

With the broadening of housing options current and on the horizon, we have a fantastic opportunity to attract businesses that resonate with our community. By supporting local enterprises, we can foster a sense of pride and unity, encouraging everyone to Shop Local and keep our dollars circulating within Clearfield.

I believe in the power of community-driven solutions, and together, we can build a city we are all proud to call home. Let's work hand in hand to create an inviting and sustainable environment that meets the aspirations of each resident.

Here are some interesting insights:

In 2017, Clearfield embraced and endorsed the Downtown Small Area Plan, a strategic move aimed at creating a diverse mixed-use district. This initiative brings together affordable living spaces and businesses within one centralized area of our city. Notably, City Centre Apartments currently boast an impressive 98% occupancy rate. Since 2014, Clearfield has greenlit more than 750 multifamily units, ranging from cozy one-bedroom apartments to spacious condos and townhomes.

In the 2019 session of the US Legislature, Senate Bill 34 (SB 34) emerged as a mandate. It called upon cities to ensure an equitable opportunity for various housing options, including accommodations for moderate-income households. This legislation plays a pivotal role in the context of our downtown region, where you can witness a growing skyline of new developments.

Clearfield is nestled within an approximately 8-mile radius, strategically situated between manufacturing and a military installation on either side. This unique positioning presents challenges when it comes to expanding single-family housing options, providing insight into the rationale behind our downtown mixed-use development strategy.  

General Plan Update 

As a candidate for the city council, I firmly believe in addressing key areas of concern with a focus on our community's vision and evolving needs.

Ensuring the Clearfield City General Plan aligns with our changing requirements and overall community vision. We aim to revitalize neighborhoods and commercial districts, with a special emphasis on revitalizing our Downtown Core. By encouraging redevelopment and renovation of deteriorating areas, we will foster a positive, healthy living environment that encourages long-term residency and a strong sense of community.

Collaborating with developers is essential, and we will approach these partnerships with consideration for existing development, environmental conditions, service and transportation needs, and fiscal impacts. Our emphasis will be on reusing developed areas and existing community resources, enhancing the livability and aesthetics of our beloved city.

We recognize the potential in remaining vacant properties and will work to develop them to their highest and best use, benefiting both residences and landowners. Continuously reviewing capital improvements and planning ensures that we make well-informed decisions for our future.

But we can't do it without you! We value your input and ideas on revitalizing our city, and we will actively communicate with citizens to ensure that your needs and aspirations are represented and integrated into the general plan.

Infrastructure and Public Works 

Our city's livability is at the heart of our concerns, and it fills me with pride that Forbes magazine recognizes us as the 6th best place in the nation to raise a family. Yet, we must not shy away from acknowledging the daily challenges we face, particularly when it comes to development.

To ensure the best future for our city, I plan to take several crucial steps as a member of the city council:

  1. Transportation:  Addressing the needs of our existing roadways and anticipating growth is a top priority. I believe collaboration with neighboring cities will enable us to collectively bid on roadway projects, maximizing the value of our spending and delivering better results for all residents.

  2. Sustainable Development: To address the needs of our community effectively, we should focus on maximizing development with smaller lots, catering to the requirements of our residents. Water conservation will be a priority in new developments to ensure a long-term commitment to environmental stewardship. From the very beginning, water conservation should be integrated into the development phases, ensuring responsible water delivery.

  3. Water and Sewer Planning: I recognize the importance of water and sewer infrastructure for our city's future. Working alongside external companies, we can analyze a plan for water and sewer management, which will be implemented into capital projects.

Together, we can create a city that thrives and remains a cherished place to raise families. Let's work hand in hand to address these vital issues and ensure a brighter, more prosperous future for all residents. As your representative on the city council, I am committed to serving the best interests of our community and preserving the unique spirit that makes our city a place we proudly call home.


A Drop of Water is More Precious then a Sack of Gold - Turkish Proverb

Planning for water resiliency in our community is a focus. I firmly believe that this vital issue requires a collaborative approach, integrating both land and water strategies with input and support from our community. By working closely with the city commission, parks and recreation, local businesses and all residents, we can create a shared vision that guides our policies and development initiatives.

Education and outreach are essential elements. I believe we should provide ample opportunities for residents to learn and engage with the city's water resiliency efforts, making the process accessible and understandable for everyone. 

Recognizing the cyclical nature of water availability in the Salt Lake area, the city should prepare for future trends, understanding that not every year will be like 2022-23. Sustainable development is a journey, and consistency is key. We need to work towards water resiliency are steadfast and sustainable for the long term.

Engage in the Future 

Empowering our future generation is at the heart of Clearfield's vision. As a candidate for the city council, I believe in investing in the performing arts and fostering community awareness to encourage meaningful engagement. By organizing city-wide events and initiatives, we can create opportunities for residents to connect with their neighbors, fostering a sense of belonging and unity.

One of my main goals is to strengthen ties between the community and local schools. I plan to actively participate in recreational programs, collaborating with schools to ensure our youth have access to enriching experiences and a platform to voice their ideas through the Youth Commission. Together, we can shape a brighter future for our city, driven by the input of our young minds.

Additionally, we should aim to forge partnerships with local businesses, groups, and churches, encouraging the development of volunteer-driven recreation programs. By involving various groups, we can create an inclusive and diverse range of activities that cater to the interests and passions of our residents.

Fostering a strong sense of engagement will empower Clearfield to overcome challenges and seize opportunities. I believe working hand in hand with the community, bridging gaps, and ensuring that our collective voice shapes the city we all envision.

  Safety and Security 

Our city's safety, well-being, and education are our utmost concerns.

To create a safer and more pleasant living environment, we should collaborate closely with local law officials to prioritize code enforcement and property maintenance throughout the city. By maintaining our neighborhoods and public spaces, we can create a sense of pride and security for everyone.

Our children's education and safety are paramount.  Enforcement is necessary to ensure a safe, healthy, and productive learning environment in our schools. The police department can play a crucial role as positive role models for students. Together, we will foster a cooperative, proactive, and problem-solving partnership between law enforcement and the district. Restorative approaches will be emphasized to address negative behavior, setting our students up for a successful future.

Collaboration is key to achieving our goals.  Increasing cooperation between the city and the district, aiming to maintain safe schools, improve the school climate, and support educational opportunities for all students is key.

Our community's strength lies in our shared vision and commitment to creating a nurturing and secure environment for everyone.




Important Questions to Ask when evaluating agenda items for City Council and Commission

How does the proposal preserve the quality of life of the current and future residents?

How does the proposal allocate the current and future costs of the infrastructure and ensure the sustainability of infrastructure?

Will the proposal results in more housing units that are more directly affordable to the buyer or renter?

Will the proposed result in more home ownership?



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City Council Meeting - What to do when you want to participate!

The Clearfield City Council holds meetings at the City Hall Building ( 55 S. State Street, 3rd floor, Clearfield, UT) and is welcome to the public. This is encouraged and insightful, highly recommend. Engage iin-person or watch online with our Clearfield City Facebook Live.  See below for more information about the Council meetings. If you are interested in speaking, the Council holds Public Hearings and General Comment time during the Formal Meetings two times per month. You can watch online and comment or in-person.

Visit the. for meeting agendas, supporting documents, and videos.

The Council generally holds three kinds of meetings:

  • Work Session
    • The Council discusses City business and new proposals during Work Sessions.
    • Work Sessions are listen-in only, for public comments please see “Formal Meeting” info below.
  • Formal Meeting
    • The Council holds two Formal Meetings per month to take action and listen to comments from the public during Formal Meetings.
    • You can make public comment in-person, please be sure to connect a city member via their email prior to the meeting or take a blank comment letter from the podium prior to entering the formal meeting

Meeting Dates 

The City Council typically meets two Tuesdays a month. All meetings are open to the public. 

Council Work Sessions, during which the Council discusses City business generally begin at 6 p.m. unless noted.

Formal meetings, during which the Council takes action and listens to comments from the public, begin at 7 p.m. Not all Formal Meetings include a public comment period. Please check the meeting agenda prior to confirm a public comment period is scheduled.

Meetings in addition to those listed on the may be held or canceled as circumstances may require, subject to applicable public notice requirements.

How to Speak to the City Council During a Meeting

The public can address the Council about any matter they wish during the public comment section of a meeting. The Council also holds public hearings, where the public is invited to speak about a specific topic the Council is currently considering. Both the public comment section and public hearings are scheduled during the formal meeting and are listed on the agenda.  Be sure to keep in under 3 minutes and always state you name for the records.

** key here : The Topic must be on the agenda in order for the council to make comment, it MUST pertain to the agenda items discussing that night.  It may appear they are not engaging in your feedback.  ** under law - if the topic you are discussing wasn’t given notice for every citizen to attend - they can not address at that meeting. They are write notes and follow up with you the next few days.

To speak during either, you’ll be asked to fill out a comment card for in person or register for online participation. Your name will be called when it’s your turn to speak and you’ll have three minutes to share your thoughts

Public Meeting Rules

The Council’s meetings are a place for people to feel safe and comfortable in participating in their government.  A respectful and safe environment allows a meeting to be conducted in an orderly, efficient, effective, and dignified fashion, free from distraction, intimidation, and threats to safety.

In order to support a respectful meeting, items that disrupt the meeting, intimidate other participants or that may cause safety concerns are not allowed. For example:

  • Council staff or security officers may ask you to open any large bags, purses or backpacks for inspection, and may also request changes to placement of recording equipment or other props to help facilitate the meeting.
  • Jeering, cheering, clapping and waving signs may intimidate other speakers and cause a disruption, so please refrain from such activities.
  • Please be respectful to the historic elements in the room such as:  keep feet off furniture; avoid leaning or touching paintings and other décor.
  • Generally, props and equipment are not allowed. If you have a prop or piece of equipment integral to a presentation, please clear its use with a staff member or security officer before entering the meeting room.
  • Signs are permitted; however, so that they do not cause disruption or block the view of others, please follow these guidelines:  signs should be able to be kept at your feet or on your lap; sticks or dowels are not allowed; signs can be kept near the podium on the floor during your turn to speak.
  • If you have questions about proper placement of recording equipment or recording in general, please coordinate this with a security officer or staff member before the beginning of the meeting who will make requests to help ensure that it does not disrupt the meeting or make other attendees feel uncomfortable
  • If you have written remarks, a document, or other items you may want the City Council to review, do not approach the dais.  Instead, please give them to Council staff and they will distribute them for you.
  • Failure to follow these decorum rules may result in removal from the meeting.

City Codes are available for review, click below:

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How Clearfield handles Afforable Housing

This an a great informative read on how Clearfield is handling Affordable Housing:

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